*The information on this page applies to orders shipped to locations other than Japan and Taiwan.

We have an important announcement for customers using the old GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP. Please check the following details.

About Order History

The order history of the old GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP cannot be checked in your new shop my account. Please access the old GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP website to check your old Order History.

*You can use the same login information as before when logging into the previous online shop.

About your Account's Login Information

1. If you have registered an account on the old GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP

  • You registration has been transferred to the new Good Smile Company Online Store, but you will need to enter new information required for registration on the new site and change your password in order to access your account. Please see this notice for more information.
  • Your login information on the old GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP website will not be overwritten when setting new login information on the Good Smile Company Online Store website. When logging in to your account on the GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP website, use the same login information as before.

The following information has been automatically transferred to your new Good Smile Company Online Store account. Other information must be reregistered.

  • Name
  • Gender (Optional)
  • Date of Birth (Optional)
  • Latest shipping address registered on the GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP website

2. If you are not a member of the previous online shop

  • Please click here to register.
  • If you have previously registered as a member in the previous online shop but have canceled your membership, please click here to register as a new member.

About Debit Cards and Prepaid Cards

It was possible to place orders with using debit cards and prepaid cards in the previous online shop, but you are not able to use those cards in the new shop. Please use another payment method.

*If you have already placed an order in the previous shop, your registered credit card information will be used for payment.

Regarding Email Addresses that Cannot be Registered

Email addresses that fall under the following categories cannot be used to register a Good Smile Company Online Store account. For more information, check this notice.

  • Plus addresses
  • Email addresses that violate RFC

While plus addresses could be used for registration on the old GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP website, please note that plus addresses cannot be used on the new Good Smile Company Online Store website.