For Shipments to Japan

  • For preordered items, a shipping fee of 660 yen (including tax) will be charged per item type. Regardless of the number of items purchased in the same order, the shipping fee is applied to each item type.
  • For in-stock items, a flat fee of 660 yen (including tax) will be charged per order.
  • Products may have different shipping charges depending on specifications and circumstances. In such cases, the product page will provide information on the shipping charges for the specific item in question.
  • Depending on the shipping address (such as in the case of certain regions such as remote islands), shipping charges may vary from the standard fee of 660 yen.

For other information regarding shipping and delivery within Japan, please refer to 配送・送料について (Japanese only).

Regarding the Change in Shipping Charges
Shipping charges for the Good Smile Company Online Store have been updated as of 28th February 2024.
Please refer to the notice below for more information.

For Shipments to Taiwan

  • For preordered items, a shipping fee of NTD 100 (home delivery) will be charged per item type.
  • For in-stock items, a flat fee of NTD 100 (home delivery) will be charged per order.

For other information regarding shipping and delivery to Taiwan, please refer to 使用說明<關於寄送與運費> (Traditional Chinese only).

For Shipments to Countries Other than Japan and Taiwan

  • Shipping charges for countries besides Japan and Taiwan vary depending on the region.
  • For preordered items, a shipping fee will be charged per item type.
  • If a preorder for the same product is made in a separate transaction, a new order number will be generated, resulting in an additional shipping fee that will be applied to the new order.
  • If you purchase the same product multiple times using separate transactions, shipping fees will be charged for each purchase.
  • When preordering different items from the same product page, an order number will be issued for each item type or character. Each order number will be shipping individually and shipping fees will be charged for each order number.
  • For in-stock items, shipping fees will be applied only once per order.

For other information regarding shipping and delivery to countries outside of Japan and Taiwan, please refer to User Guide (Shipping & Shipping Fees).

The shipping charges for each region are listed below.

Region Shipping Charges (USD)
South Korea $15.00
Hong Kong $15.00
North America $18.00
Europe $15.00
Oceania $15.00
South East Asia $8.00
Mexico $8.00
Latin America
(Excluding Mexico)
India $8.00
Middle East $8.00
Africa $12.00
Canada $12.00
Other Regions Not Listed Above $18.00

Shipping Charge Revision History

Revision Date Affected Region(s)
2024/07/16 South Korea, Hong Kong, North America, Europe, Oceania, South East Asia, Mexico, Latin America (excluding Mexico), India, Middle East, Africa
2024/08/05 Canada
2024/12/4 Mexico, Latin America (excluding Mexico)